Travels of the Author

caroline-marco monteverde

“One of the joys of being a historian is the chance to do research on the topics we write about. On the following pages you can read about the exciting adventures of traveling from Texas to Spain, California to Mexico in search of elusive details and entertaining information for novels and books.     

Over the last twenty-odd years, I have had the opportunity to research in Mexico City at the Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) at the magnificent Lecumberri Prison (insert picture of Lecumberri on the side with text: “Built as a prison by President Porfirio Diaz, the massive structure today houses five hundred years of Spanish and Mexican history.”),  at the Secretaría de la Defensa which has been opened to researchers again after having been closed since 1932, at the archives in Monterrey, Saltillo and  Matamoros, as well as at the magnificent churches in Zacatecas, Queretaro and Durango. (insert picture of church at Zacatecas with text “The ornate church at Zacatecas built  built between 1729 and 1753, regarded by many as the last, and greatest, expression of the churrigueresque (Mexican Baroque) style.”) 

In addition to researching in Mexico, I have had the opportunity to travel in Spain and, with the kind help of fellow scholar Victoria Arbizu-Sabater, to get an introduction to the magnificent Archive of the Indies in Seville.  I hope to return to Spain to do additional research at the archives there in the near future.  

I am currently still researching a history of the West coast of Costa Rica. While traveling there I had an opportunity to get to meet the Quakers who settled in the Monteverde region, as well as the entertaining and wonderful Kay Chornook, Canadian author of the book “Walking with Wolf: Reflections on a life spent protecting the Costa Rican wilderness.” (Make Walking with Wolf a link to her website – Walking with Wolf – please study her website for ideas)  - Insert a picture of  Kay and her book.   

© Caroline Castillo Crimm 2012