Flavors & Recipes


4 Cups Flour

1 Teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup milk

4 tablespoons butter

Frying oil

Cinnamon-sugar mixture


Mix flour, shortening and add water. Blend like bread or tortilla dough. Let sit for about 20 minutes, covered. Shape into quarter size balls, let sit 20 minutes more. Roll out very thin pulling with hands if necessary (should be about 6 inches in diameter and paper thin.) If dough is sticky, sprinkle flour on the rolling area. In a frying pan, place 1 inch of oil and allow it to get very hot. Place buñuelo in pan, let brown to a golden brown on each side. Remove and quickly sprinkle sugar and cinnamon mixture on both sides. Do not cover the buñuelos or they will get soggy. These come out crispy thin.

© Caroline Castillo Crimm 2012